Monday, May 27, 2024

Review: Legends & Lattes

Legends & Lattes Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a bit of a variation on the "Family Favorites" theme, in that this is not an OLD family favorite. I read this book in 2023. It's a Hugo winner, and TTRPG players should love it.

When you play a character in D&D, do you ever give a thought to when, or why, that character might want to retire? How long can you swing a sword for a living? Today, career athletes' bodies start to break down in their 30s.

Viv, an orc mercenary, adventurer, and treasure-hunter, has been saving up for a while She just never knew what she wanted to do for retirement -- until she tastes coffee for the first time. But she's cautious - she has to be sure of success. Viv locates a legendary good-luck charm, and then the story truly begins.

I read this for my Bedtime Reading stream. I haven't had a book choke me up like that since The Princess Bride.

View all my reviews

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