Tuesday, February 27, 2018

I Want A Glaive

My D&D group, stationed in Korea, has just watched the newly-released movie "Krull," and the guy playing the fighter is going gaga over the magical weapon featured in the film.  On the way out of the theater, he's badgering the DM.  This entire conversation is OOC.

[FIGHTER]  I want a Glaive!

[DM]  You're not proficient in polearm.

[FIGHTER] No, you know what I mean.  I want the large, flaring shirukin thing from the movie.  (He mimes throwing said weapon). ScreeeOWW!

[DM]  So let me get this straight.  You want me to give you a throwing star with five dagger blades, each of them about eight inches long, that will boomerang back to you whenever you miss?  And you don't see any downside to this?

[FIGHTER]  Hell yeah!  RAWR!

[DM]  You know you're going to lose half your fingers.