Thursday, May 9, 2024

Review: A Book About Myself

A Book About Myself

A Book About Myself by Theodore Dreiser
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

A rather self-indulgent autobiography. I read a couple of chapters for Librivox. I'm currently listening to the whole thing, and without rancor, I find some of the readers difficult to listen to.

Dreiser apparently spent his youth feeling really bad about the plight of blue-collar workers, but avoiding their company all the same. He wanted very badly to make it big in the newspaper business, and was not above lying to get jobs. He despised the state of politics, believing that the country was turning into an oligarchy (spoiler, it did), but he constantly sucks up to the rich. Oh, and let's not forget his never-ending quest to get laid. 

I do give Dreiser credit for predicting the replacement of Democracy for a plutocracy. 


Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

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