Thursday, September 30, 2021

Audition/Acting tips

(this article first appeared in issue #5 of The New Cloud City Gazette)

 I wouldn't call myself a professional actor except in the very strictest sense (I've been paid), but I've been doing the community theater thing for a long time.  When I audition, I tend to get cast.  Today I'd like to share a few audition & acting tips.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Storming The Castle

 (game date: 9/2/2021)

Gordi slipped into the half-open door of the Crystal Palace, and quickly exited.  "More zombies," she reported.  "A lot more."

No one could say that they were terribly surprised by this news.  Nor were we terribly concerned.  We'd come loaded for sun-babies, and the undead horde that we'd faced did not exactly present a "Rising Day" challenge.  Even so, we felt it safest if the youngest held back for a bit.  Since Cecily and Hilda were already low on ammunition, they volunteered to keep the kidlets busy with salvaging what they could from the shipwreck while the rest of us delved into this structure.

Speaking from personal experience, I would bet on those two, even unarmed, against practically any opponent, and the rugrats weren't exactly helpless themselves.  However, if it should come to pass that we needed to beat a hasty retreat, it would be nice if we didn't have to pause to pack first, so this wasn't wasted effort.  I left two of the Kourier drones with them, in case we strayed out of BANlink range.