Sunday, May 5, 2024

Review: Wintersmith

Wintersmith Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Third book in the Tiffany Aching series of Discworld books (by Terry Pratchett). You may consider all Discworld books to be family favorites.

Of course everyone in the Ramtops (or in Great Britain) knows about the Morris dance, in which dignified old men put on white jester clothes and bells, and dance in the spring.

But Tiffany Aching gets a chance to witness the Dark Morris, in which the dancers wear black, the bells are silent, and they dance in the Winter. She notices a "blank spot" in the dance, where obviously all the dancers are leaving a space for an absent dancer, and decides to fill the gap.

Only afterward does she discover that spot was reserved for the Goddess of Spring.

I find this entire arc to be the best of Discworld.

View all my reviews

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