Monday, May 20, 2024

Review: Spinning Silver

Spinning Silver Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was Robin's favorite book in 2018. It was the last favorite book that she chose. Early in 2019, My son Arthur and I took turns reading Novik's Temeraire series to her while she convalesced.

This book was chosen as the Fantasy read for January 2024, by Midtown Sci-Fi Fantasy Book Club.

I truly appreciated the way that Novik weaved the disparate stories and goals of her leading ladies. She gave the impression, right up to the end, that there was no way that all of them will win - that success for one party will mean that abject failure for the other.

Several members of the book club had trouble with keeping track of who was narrating each chapter. I did not have that problem - the audiobook reader Lisa Flanagan gave each a distinctive voice and personality.

I plan on adding this to my Bedtime Reading stream

View all my reviews

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