Monday, June 3, 2024

Review: The Big Over Easy

The Big Over Easy The Big Over Easy by Jasper Fforde
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Chosen for the Midtown Sci-Fi Fantasy Book Club for discussion on Nov. 19, 2023

Most of the members did not like the book. I had a hard time getting into it, until I realized what Fforde was doing. This wasn't a fantasy work - it was a parody.

I think that the Brits have a unique way of writing parody. At least, that's what my extensive two-author experience tells me (I narrate for a Welsh writer). When they decide that they're going to get silly, they are not afraid to go completely overboard.

In this book, using fairy tales and mythology as a backdrop. completely rips apart all the mystery clichés - quite a few of which are also my own pet peeves.

If you read this book, make sure that your tongue is firmly in cheek, because I'm sure it was written that way.

View all my reviews

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