Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Review: Dragonseye

Dragonseye Dragonseye by Anne McCaffrey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Seems like half of the Pern books I read aptly illustrate some portion of modern life. Here we have the climate change deniers represented by the Thread deniers. I also spotted Trump in here, as the Holder who doesn't want to pay anyone for their work.

Possible spoilers below break

June 3, 2024 –
15.0% "It struck me during this re-read how McCaffrey's work is either timeless, or prophetic. Holder Chalker represents every climate change denier today: "Can you PROVE that this is real?" "Why should I waste money on something that probably won't even happen?"
During my first read, I considered these characters unrealistic - now I know that they are archetypes."
June 3, 2024 –
17.0% "Dismantling the education system and only preparing children for their place in a caste-based feudal system. A Republican dream."
June 3, 2024 –
38.0% "Chalken is a real treat. Reminds me of Trump - hiring for a service and never paying. Why does Pern have no lawyers, with people like this writing cursed contracts?"
June 4, 2024 –
53.0% "Seriously, Anne really understood human nature.
Climate change deniers == Thread deniers.
Tyrannical bosses == Tyrannical Holders.
Artists should be paid!!!
And in another book we had anti-vaxxers represented."

View all my reviews

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