Tuesday, October 6, 2020

This Plan Stinks

Game date: 7/16/2020

 "Jane Doe" set up a safehouse meeting to discuss the messages that each of us received which led to the Tenner Hut debacle.  She got about as far as denying being the source of these messages when the apartment's vidscreen turned on, tuned to a news report of said debacle.  It appears that my efforts to erase the security footage did little good; they have an image of the trigger-happy individual, and they have the full info of one other person on the scene.  Not broadcasting anything about me, thankfully.  

Then, of all things, the AutoChef starts babbling about having guests over -- right about the same time as Parker warns me that we have Tek Knights closing in.  I informed the others.  Of course, the only pushback came from the shooter, and tempers became short before JD offered an escape route through the Tunnels.  All present agreed to take that.

Once down, she locked the elevator, and I opened one of the two doors leading from the basement into the Tunnels.  We didn't get far before we found our way blocked by some glowing humanoids.  I have never personally heard of any species fitting this description, but just to be safe I asked JD if they were friends of hers.  This, she disavowed, with no little measure of panic in her voice.  

These, she told me, were the result of experiments which should never have taken place.  They seemed devoid of reason, attacking any living being.  They moved and glowed dimly at first, but became more quick and more bright as time progressed, ultimately exploding with great force.  

I entreated the foxkin at the forefront to close the door, which she did post-haste.

Unfortunately, that limited our options to...zero.  The other door back in the basement, we were told, only lead to the same location.  Meanwhile, the monstrosities pounded relentlessly against the closed door here, our only exit.  However, JD also informed us that these creatures seemed rather single-minded.  Someone suggested using one enemy (the human glowsticks) against the other (the TKs), which seemed just barely possible if we doubled back and lured the abominations after us to the basement.  The idea being, I'd unlock the doors, and the elevator, and lock our escape route behind us, leaving the nightmares with either going back the long way around, or going up to face the cops.

Diary, I thought that I made it clear that this would work if, and only if, we were quick about it.  But, once I got myself in place, ready to unlock the elevator, I began to hear both plasmer fire and horrendous explosions, followed by the oddest bestial roar -- rather like the sound a cornered rat might make, a hissing chitter, but amplified a  hundred times.  I had to check with Parker to make sure that we weren't being bombarded from above, these were so intense (we weren't).  

Perhaps it wasn't such a terrible thing, that wait.  It gave me time to rethink.  If I were to follow through, and unlock the elevator, perhaps the Tek-Knights would be slowed by the monsters, but certainly they would not be stopped, and any deaths would be blamed upon us.  Then, we would have pursuers which were not quite limited in their intelligence on our heels.  I abandoned that part of the plan, leaving the elevator locked, and proceeded to our escape door.

There I waited, until everyone else had moved through.  The final member of this little band was, of course, the man with the gun, hotly pursued by no less than six of these walking reactors.  I told him, in no uncertain terms, that he had the choice of hurrying through the door, or adopting the sextet as siblings.  

No one died today.  I'll take that as a win.


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