Monday, June 24, 2024

Review: I Shall Wear Midnight

I Shall Wear Midnight I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said here. We always loved Discworld, and this arc was (in my never-humble opinion) the best.

I read this for family and friends on a Bedtime Reading stream in 2023

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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Review: Contact

Contact Contact by Carl Sagan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Chosen for discussion by Midtown Sci-Fi Fantasy Book Club on Jun 23, 2024.

One might expect Sagan to write a dry story, but his characters seem well-developed.  One might expect him to write a heavily scientific story, full of skepticism, but the central theme of this book is spiritual.  Even with the evangelical character, Sagan is granting benefit of doubt - he actually believes what he's preaching. More benefit than I would give. In fact, Sagan underplays the fanatic. In my experience, they are the most close-minded bunch.

Sagan's optimism also displays itself in the story.  The world becoming more peaceful after learning that there is intelligent life elsewhere? More likely, we'd tear ourselves apart.  Then again, he didn't live to see Trump.  

I found the debate over whether to build the machine amusing.  I'm fairly sure that the entire message would show up on Wikileaks.  It would be a matter of which billionaire did it first.  Again, Sagan wrote this prior to today's Internet and today's billionaires.

I do wish that we could have had AdNix.  Would have made such a difference in reigning in capitalism.

The ending is where we really see Sagan's spiritual side.  When I first read it, I was also much younger, and more open to such things.  "The creators of the universe left us messages" felt good then, but today it feels like a literary cop-out.  It might even reinforce the idea that we live in a simulation, if written today.  We even see the union of science and religion, as Ellie and the evangelist come close to hooking up.

I'm still not sure what possible difference it makes that Ellie's step-father was her bio father? He was a real jerk, and Ellie had good reason to hate him apart from the fact that he was not the lost Dad.  

Overall, I'd have given this five stars in the early 90s.  Today, only three.

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Monday, June 17, 2024

Review: Nettle & Bone

Nettle & Bone Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Selected by Midtown Sci-Fi Fantasy Book Club, discussed on November 19, 2023.
Generally liked by the group.

I appreciated the witch character the most. She actively tries to discourage the young woman from her quest, in true hermit fashion. And, of course, I always like creative problem-solving.

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Monday, June 10, 2024

Review: Chain-Gang All-Stars

Chain-Gang All-Stars Chain-Gang All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was chosen by Midtown Sci-Fi Fantasy Book Club for discussion on February 25, 2024

This is one case where the audiobook experience lacked a bit, but it was due to the format of the audiobook rather than the narrator. Specifically, it was difficult to tell when a footnote was being read.

And this book is rife with footnotes. The author is telling a cautionary tale here, and part of it is to relate the events of the story to actual historical events, so that by the time the reader has finished, realization dawns that we are far too close to making this dystopian future come about. I've said it many times: the profit motive has no place in prisons or healthcare.

Readers may liken this story to The Running Man. Gladiatorial combat in this future is theoretically voluntary, and also theoretically, it's possible for a fighter to earn their freedom. Of course, it is de facto quite impossible to win, and the prisoner's choice in the matter is equally small.

I only worry that some people will consider the story an instruction manual.

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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Review: Dragonseye

Dragonseye Dragonseye by Anne McCaffrey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Seems like half of the Pern books I read aptly illustrate some portion of modern life. Here we have the climate change deniers represented by the Thread deniers. I also spotted Trump in here, as the Holder who doesn't want to pay anyone for their work.

Possible spoilers below break

June 3, 2024 –
15.0% "It struck me during this re-read how McCaffrey's work is either timeless, or prophetic. Holder Chalker represents every climate change denier today: "Can you PROVE that this is real?" "Why should I waste money on something that probably won't even happen?"
During my first read, I considered these characters unrealistic - now I know that they are archetypes."
June 3, 2024 –
17.0% "Dismantling the education system and only preparing children for their place in a caste-based feudal system. A Republican dream."
June 3, 2024 –
38.0% "Chalken is a real treat. Reminds me of Trump - hiring for a service and never paying. Why does Pern have no lawyers, with people like this writing cursed contracts?"
June 4, 2024 –
53.0% "Seriously, Anne really understood human nature.
Climate change deniers == Thread deniers.
Tyrannical bosses == Tyrannical Holders.
Artists should be paid!!!
And in another book we had anti-vaxxers represented."

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Monday, June 3, 2024

Review: The Big Over Easy

The Big Over Easy The Big Over Easy by Jasper Fforde
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Chosen for the Midtown Sci-Fi Fantasy Book Club for discussion on Nov. 19, 2023

Most of the members did not like the book. I had a hard time getting into it, until I realized what Fforde was doing. This wasn't a fantasy work - it was a parody.

I think that the Brits have a unique way of writing parody. At least, that's what my extensive two-author experience tells me (I narrate for a Welsh writer). When they decide that they're going to get silly, they are not afraid to go completely overboard.

In this book, using fairy tales and mythology as a backdrop. completely rips apart all the mystery clichés - quite a few of which are also my own pet peeves.

If you read this book, make sure that your tongue is firmly in cheek, because I'm sure it was written that way.

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