Monday, May 31, 2021

Puttin' on The Ritz

(game date: 5/20/2021, 5/27/2021)

(Normally, in these journal entries, I give more attention to each individual, because I have reviewed the events from each camera.  This one is being recorded a bit hastily, as we have little time to spare, so it mostly recounts my own part in the evening's events, and even much of that is copy/paste. 

The Gate must be opened now, and I want these events recorded in case I don't make it.)

Because of all the fuss with the Masques, the day of the 175th Annual Æxalted Fashion Festival crept up on us much faster than I'd expected.  I could scarcely believe it when Parker reminded me of the event the day before.  I hadn't scheduled a pre-briefing the week before, as had been the plan, so as to give everyone ample time to prepare.  Damn vampires, throwing everything off-schedule with their anachronistic ways.

Instead, we had to be satisfied with a quick touch-base the night before, just to be sure that we were all on the same page.  I established a conference link.

{Audio: conference call, Zeke speaking: 

"The main thing is to see that NovaSpark escapes with the Ci. We have the face that she will use programmed into our own disguise necklaces.  If we notice what she's doing, we must assume that someone else did, too. The plan is to misdirect the attention of any pursuers.  We will take turns putting on her face and leading them away, switching back when they catch up to us.  If the plan goes awry...if force is absolutly required...we try to make it non-lethal. There will be innocent people everywhere.

Except for Gipson.  I don't care what happens to him."

Conference call audio ends.}

I kept the Silver Bullet with me.  The minors were likely to attend in person, and besides, they were still experiencing a touch of PTSD over the recent gang violence.  Sometimes the monsters resemble people.

We met up at Embers, possibly the best land-bound restaurant in the city.  

{Video: Team leaves van in evening dress.  Some faces blur and change, some stay the same.  They disperse and join the line of well-dressed bougie and exec types passing through weapons scans at the front entrance.  Vamir stays outside, taking a watchpost.  There is a brief disagreement over Gordianus' staff, until she proves to security's satisfaction that it is a necessary walking aid.  Aru's POV is followed momentarily as he finds the employee's entrance, which has no scanners.  Narration continues throughout video: 

My little bullet looks more like a tag without a gun to fire it, and didn't pop any alerts.  The sensors did not recognize the Cair as weapons, either.  The staff was not scanned.  I wonder what mental giant set up their security.  Maybe later I'll send a report along with a bill.

Video ends.}

{Video:  Council Leader Ron Gipson entering the restaurant, with four armed Border Patrol agents.  He stops for a few minutes, shaking hands and posing for pictures.  Voiceover:

Well, guess who seems to be exempt from any and all rules?  That might make a good editorial subject.

Video ends}

We posted ourselves on all three levels.  Unsurprisingly, Father was in attendance.  No arm candy, though.  Every time I think I have him figured out...

{Video: SunTek CEO Varitan Okona standing near bar, Sentinel security guard hovering nearby.  Zeke's POV camera approaches.  The following conversation takes place:

Zeke (on comms):"Eyes on and around him (meaning, Gipson), team.  We also should be ready to provide a small distraction."

Gordianus (on comms): "Like someone walking with a staff falling or boom?"

Varitan (aloud):"Had I known you would be here, I could have arranged for another Sentinel."

 Katrya (on comms): "-Small-, with no explosions."

Zeke (on comms): "A fall, perhaps, but wait until needed."

 Katrya (on comms): "NO boom"

Aru (on comms): I could "accidentally" drop a huge tray of glasses

 Zeke (aloud): "No need, I assure you.  Ŝtelita is quite capable."

Varitan (aloud): "Then perhaps I could have permitted my own guard to stay home. Regardless, I expect my new head of security is likely somewhere about."

 Zeke (aloud): "I expect so."

Video ends.}

Vamir was, in fact, stationed just outside the building, hearing and seeing everything through our shared feeds.  

Gipson took a VIP seat next to the catwalk, his entourage surrounding him.  As luck would have it, daddy had equally good seating directly opposite.  We still hadn't caught site of NovaSpark.  As I'd originally planned on taking the high ground, we switched it up, putting Katrya and the kids on the upper level.

Thus the fashion portion of the evening began.

{Video: An array of young men and women, the cream of Æstas society, appear one by one on the runway, walking proudly in the latest new fashions, all designed under the theme of this year's gala.  They follow the path of the catwalk, disappearing backstage once their debut is complete, all to the polite applause of proud parents and wealthy donors.  Voiceover:

I've attended these a very few times (once I walked a similar runway myself, a moment of foolish pride then and embarrassment now), and each time I gave thanks that I was born male.  The fashions still change, but they almost always trend more practical than for the distaff, and they don't seem nearly so outlandish on the cutting edge -- and some of these designs literally included edges that seemed capable of cutting.

Oh, look, there's Skyler Vance.  That little thrillseeker bought caffeine pills from Mauger once.  Looks like she's wearing just bits of color-changing sheer fabric, and the rest is holographic tek.  

Video begins fast-forwarding.  Voiceover continues:

Look, I'm not including the entire show in my journal.  I'm sure some over-enthusiastic historian will consider it important enough to archive.  We don't have time for this.

Video skips to show a model wearing a sheer, floating gossamer gown, and 15cm heels that glow with inner light and produce a techno beat timed to the wearer's footsteps.  Voiceover continues

There she is, wearing the face we were looking for, strutting as proudly as any of the Æxalted.  I wonder if she has an exhibitionist streak; that outfit is more revealing than Skylar's.  A thief on a budget would rarely get the chance to indulge such a fetish.

Voiceover ends, comms call audio begins as NovaSpark continues her runway walk:

Zeke (on comms): "Nova spotted. Stand by for distractions.  EllieRocks, have you done warmups? Can you be ready to throw a tantrum if needed?"

EllieRocks (on comms): "Well sure but the thing is I'd need a reason..."

Zeke (on comms): "Ice cream. You're tired. Your bodyguard is mean. Reach deep, you can do this."

Katrya (on comms):  "Hey!"

Zeke (on comms):  "If E.R. can't find motivation I may need some broken glasses Aru."

Steff / NovaSpark makes her way around the catwalk. As she rounds the northern corner and starts the last leg back toward backstage, Gipson turns to the Sergeant next to him briefly, whispering something.

Steff crosses in front of the Council leader... and her ankle wobbles. She goes down, falling off the catwalk and letting out a scream, falling more or less into Gipson's lap. The BP agents start to converge, but she manages to right herself, and then points past Gipson...

Camera view blurs at it quickly pans to the Sentinel next to Varitan, who looks like they're being violently strangled from the inside, sickly light coursing through their veins as they begin to shrivel into a brightly glowing husk. Where once there had been a Sentinel, now there is a Wraith.

Video ends.}

I had planned to splice in video here, to save me time,'s far less confusing if I tell you.  There's screaming all over the audio, and I'd have to keep switching video POV, and it would all be confusing.  So let me just first apologize for concentrating mainly on my own personal experience.  The entire team worked hard to make this happen.  

Next I need to point out that I didn't, at first, believe that the wraith was real.  No, I thought that NovaSpark had somehow managed to throw an illusion; that it was part of a diversion that she had planned, and my next few acts were based upon that assumption.  So please keep that in mind. as I tell the rest.  

First, I told the team to skip any planned distractions and get in place for operation lead-away.  I heard Katrya shooing the kids out to the van before she went on the offensive.  Then I told Parker to keep Ŝtelita near Okona (just in case I was wrong about the illusion thing), and ran towards Gipson and his bodyguards, screaming, "Don't use energy weapons! You'll make it stronger!"

This was a bald-faced lie.  The only thing we've ever fought that absorbed energy blasts was that mutant golborn that attacked the benefit concert (Well, maybe the sunbaby could do it, but I'm not convinced).  What I really wanted to do was to keep them from shooting right away, in case I was right about the illusion thing.  

At any rate, they didn't listen (any more than E.R. and Ryatt had listened to Katrya; they were helping with crowd control).  The BP agents drew down on the wraith, which violently shoved Varitan.  About all I can say for them is that they seemed to be taking special care to not hit any of the panicked civilians, of which there were dozens.  Steff NovaSpark scuttled under the stage during the chaos, and I doubt anyone noticed since she didn't glow green.  I dove for cover, not caring to take a hit with only my Luxe Looks armor to absorb the shock.  Hoping to direct Gipson's bodyguards more toward protecting him than shooting -- well, anyone -- I shouted,  "We need to evacuate! It will explode when it's killed."

Having seen the wraith practically throw my father across the room, I still wasn't convinced that it was real.  I told myself that it could have been the bodyguard getting his employer out of the line of fire when the BP started aiming that way.  So, to give it one last chance, I instructed Parker to flip him and tell him to stay down because of an illusion.  I figured that, if he ignored that warning, what happened next was all on him.  That didn't work, either, because the drone failed the throw - but the sensors picked up extreme heat consistent with an actual wraith.  And if that weren't enough to convince me, several other people in the building also underwent the same painful transformation.

In the midst of an already terrorized crowed of elite, suddenly were dropped about a dozen more of the burning undead.  This was no random occurrence.  This was a targeted attack.  

Fortunately, no one else on the team belabored under my false assumptions.  Each of them had already engaged in battle without any direction from me.  We understand how to face this enemy, even if witnessing their creation makes it emotionally painful to do so.  

I told Parker to get Okona to safety, then bring my drones (and weapons) back here for the fight.  

But I'm ashamed to admit that I was seized by two powerful obsessions.

First, I really wanted to know whether Steff had successfully lifted the Ci from Gipson.  I hadn't been able to catch a glimpse under his coat.  I knew that we would have another chance, but was not unaffected by the frenzy of the current situation.  I would bet my last credit that every one of the newly-created wraiths were wearing  BANlinks running the ImagiNet operating system.  That their life force had just been fed to the sunchildren.  The thought made my blood boil, and led directly to my second obsession.  

I wanted to kill Gipson.

Climbing to my feet, I got right up in the face of the nearest Border Patrol agent.   "Are you dense?" I yelled at him, spittle flying.  "Get the councilman out of here!"

Perhaps I missed a military calling.  He blinked, looked around for the nearest exit, then ordered his specialists to do exactly that.  And I still didn't learn what I wanted to know.  Talk about playing your cards close to your chest.

The sounds of screaming teenagers and their parents had faded slightly by this time, as they had found that other exits existed apart from the bottlenecked front door.  The sounds of battle, on the other hand, were escalating.  These newly-created wraiths seemed to be of the weakest variety, which was fortunate for us, as our weapon choices were limited.  Katrya was literally hurling them through windows and walls.  Gordianus at least had her staff, which she was putting to good use near the stairs, tripping one of the clumsy creatures down a flight.  Vamir had just walked in, just in time to help escort Varitan out.  I couldn't see the others, but I could hear them.  The wraiths were on every level.  So this probably had more to do with the BP's decision to retreat than my crazed orders.

I should have let it go.  Watching him leave, though, knowing that he was responsible for these deaths, I couldn't.  I wanted it over.  

I retrieved the silver bullet from my pocket, and palmed it.  "One moment, sir," I called, extending my hand.

He turned, and regarded me for a moment before deciding to take me up on it.  He reached back, saying,  "You seem very informed about these things, perhaps we should sp-"

And that's when his hand gripped mine, just hard enough to register as an impact to the device.  This hadn't been my intention.  I had meant to slip it into his palm, take my hand away, and activate it with the verbal trigger.  But, either this SB had been damaged when it was fired in the vampire's lair, or it was simply too sensitive to begin with.  Either way, it activated.  On both of us.

I have seen this weapon in action twice, and know that it's painful, but had no idea exactly how painful.  It seemed to pull the nerves out of every bit of my flesh at the same time.  I could tell that the same thing was happening to Gipson, if not by the expression on his face, then by the fact that his bodyguards were now aiming their guns at me.  

It's difficult to think logically and rapidly under this kind of stress.  My reasoning went something like this:  If I'm going to die because of this blunder, I at least want to take Gipson with me, so my first priority was to not be shot by his goons.  So, summoning up my best acting ability, I looked at the Council Leader in shock (which was not a stretch), and gasped, "What...what are you doing???"

This appeared to confuse them enough to lower their weapons.  I knew that I always had the deactivation phrase, so long as I retained the strength to say it...but I was loathe to use it right away.  I cast about for something, anything, that might enable me to survive a bit longer than my enemy.  

I remembered a meeting with Jane Doe, in which I shared a theory that she ought to be able to use the Power stored within the C-cells, since it was, essentially, stolen from Elenya in the first place.  She only laughed, and demonstrated that this was no secret by pulling a bit of Power from the battery, and then putting it back.  Then she told me that anyone could do that.  That I could do it.

I resolved to try this before simply giving up, but I didn't get the chance.  Gipson, snarling, summoned an electrical field around his hand, effectively shorting out my silver bullet.  The resulting power surge hurled us in opposite directions.  He recovered much faster than I did, and reached inside his Council robes.  His hand came out as empty as it went in, which did not improve his mood.  Power visibly flared around his hand again, but nothing happened this time.  His enraged expression turned to panic.  He raised both hands, and vanished.

I was stunned, both physically and mentally.  The device had drained me of Power within seconds.  I doubted I could manage the simplest of spells in that moment.  Either Mr. Gipson had much deeper reserves than I, or his abilities ranked much, much higher than my own.  

I shook my head.  I had to collect my thoughts, and was finding that difficult.  Mental checklist:  Eliminate threat, help injured, recover the Ci, gather information.  It looked like the team was handling mop-up and crowd control fairly well, so I headed out to check on Pops while sending a message to Jane Doe, inquiring about the wraiths.

{Video begins:  Outside the Embers.  Vamir, Ŝtelita, and Varitan are at curbside, waiting for a limo.   The golden elf appears disheveled, but still dignified.  People rush past in small groups, fleeing the restaurant.  Camera approaches.  

Varitan:  "I'm going to have to make another statement."

Zeke:  "Yes, about that...please tell me that the ImagiNet update is not optional?"

Varitan:  "It won't be. Unfortunately there has not been time enough to get it ready."

A ping sounds on Zeke's BANlink.  Camera shows a map location pinned.

Zeke:  "I have to go to that location.  Parker, accompany Mr. Okona to safety, bring Ŝtelita back to me after."

A call comes on on Zeke's BANlink.  He puts it on external speaker.

Jane Doe (over speaker):  "More info on the wraiths?  Aside from the sudden appearance of a bunch in a certain part of the city?"

Katrya  (over speaker, sharing call):  "Around Embers, or somewhere else as well?"

Jane:  "Tracking the feeds, it looks like it started there. Like... a rock in water, though. There were others that appeared around that area...."

Zekeinterrupting "More like, confirmation of a hypothesis - are they what happens when a person is suddenly drained of all their personal Power?"

Jane:  "It's not just being drained of Power, if that was all it took then it would be dangerous for anyone to use it up. I think it's something about how it's drained, or maybe what is draining it.  I can't confirm, but every feed I have where it's visible, it looks like the people who got turned were using a new ImagiNet system."

Zeke:  "I suspected as much. That drained power feeds the SunChildren."  Call closed.  Addressing Varitan:   "Make that update a priority. Please."  Addressing Parker:  "Watch his back. He will be a target once that update is ordered.  And you, be ready to hop into your own BANlink if needed."

A limousine arrives, the rear passenger door opening as it slides to a stop.  Varitan yanks the BAN headset off of his driver before getting in the car. 

Varitan:  "You said in your application you could drive manually. Now is the time to prove it."

The limousine drives off.  Voiceover:

As I watched the limousine speed away, I couldn't help thinking that, despite everything, I was beginning to like the old bastard.

Zekesighing "Okay team. Let's go pick up a Ci"

Video ends.}

{Video begins.  A well-maintained plaza, not far from Embers.  A few people rush by, in small groups, none are lingering.  Voiceover:

The map ping came from here. Normally it would be fairly populated at this time of day, with couples and families out for an evening. Considering the events of the evening, you can't blame anyone for being on edge.  At least there are no security goons in sight, but I'll bet they're only a scream away.

Camera zooms to a single teenage boy, leaning on a lamp-post.  He has pink hair, and is wearing a loose jacket.  He is the only person here who is not rushing off.  Voiceover:

There's our meetup.  

Camera approaches the teen at a walking pace, slowing slightly as it grows near.

Zeke:  "Do you happen to know where a chap might obtain a few caffeine pills?"

Teenin Steff's voice  "Why, did y'drop some?"

Zeke:  "Occasionally. So long as they are not peach-flavored."

Teen/Steff:  snorting  "You been dropping stuff all over, tonight. Pretty sure I saw this fall out of your pocket, earlier."  

Video pauses.}

Parker, make a note for me:  FakeFace Version 2 has to include a voice modulator.  That voice is ludicrous; it kills me, coming out of that face, and her laugh...I can't stand it.  I just can't stand it.

{Video continues.  The teen holds out a handle-shaped object.  

Zeke:  "Hm. How clumsy of me."   

Zeke reaches for the Ci, but the teen doesn't relinquish it immediately.  

Teen/Steff:  "Be careful. I swear I felt it... 'pull' away from me, not long after it was... picked up. Felt like someone tried to grab it out of my hands, but there wasn't anyone around when it happened."

Zeke:  "I know someone who does a similar trick, will see if he can check it for marks.  Are our accounts settled?"

Teen/Steff:  "All business accounted for, as far as I know," 

Zeke:  "Well, not quite.  I promised you a dinner. Crystal Palace, I will let you know."

Teen/Steff:  "I'll have to remember you consider that 'business' too."

Zeke:  "Why, Ms. NovaSpark. You aren't getting soft on me?"

Teen/Steffsnorting again  "You're the one giving fancy jewelry, Mr. Kai."

Video ends with the sound of stifled foxkin laughter over comms.}

We parted ways amicably, and I took my newly-acquired Ci straight to Vamir.  "Please check it for teleport marks," I told him as I climbed into Frank's spacious passenger compartment.  It's a wonder he heard me.  The van's AutoChef was calling attention to itself, my own BANlink was pinging, Aru had an incoming call.  Still, he managed, finding three Sorcerous Marks, and immediately proceeded to remove them despite the distractions.

My ping was merely a notification of comments on an article I'd published; nothing pressing.  Aru's call, however, was from his father, informing him that all of the AutoChefs at the Mansion were making something called "key bread."  And they wouldn't stop.

After a brief conference, we decided that the wisest course of action would be to head for Chystari.  I told Maggy & Owlet to follow (usually Maggy piggybacks in these cases) and tried to nap along the way.  I failed, because, worry.  Vamir kept working on erasing those Marks from the Ci -while working on the third he gave a yelp, and when questioned he explained that he felt it jump in his hand.  Gipson must have tried for it again, but he failed, and by the time we reached the Manor Vamir handed me a clean Ci.

Katrya was asking about spare drones, to keep the Ama persona safe if necessary.  I reassured her that, if no one amongst us could do without their assigned anthro, then surely the estate could spare one.  They're not to top of the line, but we could always upgrade later.  

Speaking of anthrodrones reminded me of Ŝtelita, so I asked Parker for an update.  "So far. I think the word is 'tense?' And your dad said something about towers falling, but he's busy recording now so I don't want to interrupt."

So, Katrya checked the news feeds, and found a live broadcast featuring Mr. Varitun Okona, CEO of SunTek, telling everyone to destroy their ImagiNet BANlinks.  I whistled.  "Definitely watch his back, Parker.  In fact, let's keep Ŝtelita with him for a while. Not sure if we can trust existing security."

By this time, we'd arrived.  It's so nice to be able to ignore roads; I'll have to find a way to install that feature on the Owlet despite its size.  

{Video begins.  A foxkin woman is running out of Chystari Manor.

Mrs. Nepata:  "The AutoChefs have all gone haywire!  They keep making this 'key bread,' over and over!"

Aru:  "We'll take care of it, Mom."

Camera follows Aru into the Manor at a running pace.  

Katryaoff-camera, faintly "Thank  you, Frank."  An engine revs momentarily.

POV continues through the entry doors into the hallway, where a side door automatically opens into a large altar room/library.  Five altars surround an intricate pattern, marred by scorch marks.  The altars are glowing from a light emanating from a small circular hole in each one.  

Zeke:  "Does everyone remember which altar was theirs?  If not...Aru, how are your language studies going? We don't have Ms. Blackrose to bail us out today."

Katrya:  "Mine was fire and hitting things."

Aru moves to each of the altars, translating the runes inscribed upon them in turn.

Aru:  "A patient tongue, a leader's mind. For you, a key within you'll find."

Camera approaches this altar, then turns to follow Aru.

Aru:  "With fiery strength a righteous friend. Your key's within, the search may end."

Katrya moves to this altar.

Aru:  "Both life and death in equal yield, come seek within, this key you'll wield."

Vamir readies his Ci and stands here, as the foxkin moves on.

Aru:  "If many-skilled, a craftsman true, then find within a key for you."

Varfana takes her place at this altar.

Aru:  "A quiet power, a fluid peace. Your key's within, the search may cease."

Aru stops here.  All on camera nod at each other.  Camera angle swiftly pans to a closeup of a Ci being inserted into a circular hole in a stone altar, then back to the center of the room.  A loud click is heard, then a humming originates from the large circular altar in the center.  The circular outer rings begin to rotate.  The altar top begins to glow, and the scorch marks are vaporized from the stone.  A figure appears, apparently some sort of holographic projection, standing on the altar:  a young adolescent girl, with golden hair.  Her attire has a very strong sun motif.

Ama:  "Greetings. I am Ama."

Katrya: "AMA!"

Zeke:  "I...know her."

Ama:  "Thank you for releasing me."

Zeke:  "What do we do next?"

Ama:  "Elenya has told me that it is safe to return.  The Keys will open the Gate, but you must get to the Core to use them. There will be access nodes near the top, like the ones here." 

The avatar gestures to the altars.

Ama:  "The path to the Core will not be easy.  A directive has been issued to reassign almost all Border Patrol personnel to the Central District, under the guise of a perceived terrorist threat being imminent."

Katrya:  "Are there any access points near the top? Windows or doors?"

Ama:  "No. Ladders and platforms exist around the outside, for maintenance on external lighting, but there are no entry points to the Core above the ground level.  Public traffic is being rerouted around the government district."

Katrya:  "Zeeeke."

Zeke:  "Katrya - how do you feel about fomenting a civil war within the Border Patrol?"

Katrya:  "Heh. I think you might fermenting. ...Cementing?  Let's go with Yes."

Zeke:  "We have enough recorded footage, both audio and video, that if we send it through their comms, along with an urgent request that you and your group must be allowed to reach the core, I suspect that our way would be a bit easier."

Katrya:  "You are not wrong.... except in that those called in to the core area may well be those who feel I was wrong to.... Ahem, 'question' Bennett.  Or those who don't know but are seen as loyal to Gipson."

Zeke:  "Time, then, to use what recordings of Bennet at Chystari which can be dredged up."

Katrya:  "HA. ...But no, I am thinking everything else should be enough."

Zeke:  "Hey - I haven't been saving that dreck for nothing."

Katrya:  "Unless there are those of him simply speaking and showing his rear-end in that way only--   Bah, alright then. But what if they are too busy retching to help us."

Ama:  "If you have any questions, I will answer all that I can. I am glad to no longer be stuck in that avatar."

Zeke:  "If you would like, we can get a drone body for you."

Ama:  "I could inhabit a drone that was accessible to the Matrix, but it would be along the same lines of what you are doing with your Virtual Person. She is close, by the way."

Katrya:  "Ama. Is there -any- way to help those that are wraiths?"

Ama:  "Once drained, the person that becomes the Torchwraith is dead. No one has successfully reversed the process. Theoretically, a resurrection of the deceased, as though they were a lifeless body, might restore them to life - but it has never been tested, and resurrections often take a great deal of Power even for a single individual. Maxwell would have tried it, I think."

Katrya:  "I do not like it... But thank you."

Video ends.}

That's where we are.  

I have to end this; it's already taken far too much time, and there's so much yet to do in preparation.

Parker, if we don't make it; if we don't open the Gate...protect Ama.  Protect the Cairn.  Find other bearers, better ones.  And warn everyone.


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