Tuesday, May 18, 2021

A Dragon For Dinner

(Game date: 05/13/2021)

We have established a bit of a tradition, after each mission, to gather for dinner at the Crystal Palace.  The dining area is arranged in such a way that any party can be guaranteed privacy if they wish, each of us loves the food, we can catch Cecily and Hilda up on our operations, and the debriefing can occur in a relaxed atmosphere.  I always try to get word to Jane Doe when we do this, on the outside chance that she will join us.  Even though we have been requesting her help less frequently, I still keep in mind that "Peaches" included her in the original team, and I believe we will need her aid in the future.

As we were settling into our private booth, a priority news headline scrolled across my feed:  

Serial Bomber Suspected

Is this about us?  I think it's about us.  I scanned the article:

After the set of explosions earlier this week, there has been a report of yet a third major detonation in the city, this one in Sector 4 which demolished a large religious structure.  Sources indicate the detonation must have been a professional demolition, as the building was caused to collapse with minimal outward force or damage to surrounding properties, but there has not yet been any official statement from the city or law enforcement, nor was there any public notice regarding a planned demolition.

It is difficult to tell how these explosions are all connected, but there is a concerning pattern of them happening in locations within even-numbered Sectors.  Anyone with information regarding this potential serial bomber is encouraged to make contact with a report, after notifying law enforcement.

It crossed my mind that we will definitely lose the element of surprise if I have to start applying for demolition permits  in the future.  I wonder how difficult it would be to insert one to be "found" at this point, and berated myself for overreacting.  In all likelihood, destruction of the "church" was not necessary, however satisfying it had been.

The comments were interesting, and revealed that someone out there seems to be on our side and in the know:

  • Who blows up a church? - Bonecoil
  • Masques, apparently. - Novascore
  • Or somebody going after them. - Chance
  • You think the Masques owned that church? - Novascore
  • Dunno, can't prove anything. But they always gave me a creepy, cult-y vibe. - Chance
  • Just accepting the inevitable. - EternalNight
  • See? - Chance

I made a note to try to track down "Chance" as a possible ally, and "EternalNight" as a possible target.  

Golborn was on the menu tonight, and I couldn't resist trying it.  The steaks did not glow.  Given that the specimen we saw breach the wall was considered "small," I wondered what kind of hunters Ms. Blackrose had working for her.

We were just beginning to unwind some of the tension from the mission when a familiar figure strode into the lobby.  Mr. Ahlan White, still as pale as his namesake, still sporting an expensive suit sans blouse.  Look at me, I am beyond fashion.

Aru was looking.  In fact, he was glaring.  One by one, voices at our table stilled.  The expression on young Ellie's face was so shockingly deadly that I was relieved that the one remaining Silver Bullet was safely in my pocket.  

I cleared my throat.   "Remain calm, please.  This is Ms. Blackrose's establishment, neutral ground, we will not start a scene if we can help it."

Hilda guided the man to the bar and took his order, where he remained, seemingly waiting for someone.  I excused myself, and walked my own drink over to the adjacent seat.  I suppose I could have ordered a fresh one, but I wanted the moral support.

"May I join you for a moment, sir?"

He looked at me through half-lidded eyes.  I felt about as welcome as sidewalk debris on his shoe.  But he responded, "You are not who I expected. But until they arrive, the seat is open," so I thanked him and settled in.

I considered my next words carefully.  True, I had wanted to send him a message.  I just hadn't expected the opportunity to arrive suddenly, nor in person.  After a moment, I said, "I'll try to be brief and to the point, as I'm aware of your dislike for small talk."  A breath.  "I did not initially set out to destroy the vampires. Their unwillingness to negotiate made it necessary. I suspect that, without their guidance, the rest of the organization would be open to more reasonable leadership."  A couple of breaths.  "I don't want that job."

I gave him three breaths to respond, and when that didn't happen, I added, "This was not a power play. It was protection of family."

At last he deigned to respond.  "The vampires." He paused, then turned slowly to face me. "Your family seems to extend into very... dangerous directions."

I'll say this for the Dragon:  He has one hell of a poker face.  Combined with a voice which seems incapable of conveying any emotion other than varying degrees of threat, he forces one to analyze his words solely upon their surface value.  He may have no patience for diplomacy, but it's a mistake to assume that he doesn't understand it.  He's one of those players who makes silence so uncomfortable that others feel compelled to fill it.  

I've seen this before.  Father uses the tactic.  If I've judged him correctly, I can concede -- just a bit -- on that front, so long as I don't show fear, and don't babble.

"I cannot deny that," I told him. "All I can say is, that we did not seek most of it out."  There.  I've put it out as plainly as I can:  What we did, and why, and that we are not challenging him.  At the same time, I think that bluntly taking responsibility ought to make some kind of point about our group's abilities.

"You have an interesting mixture of rationale, Mr. Kai. I cannot claim you are unintelligent. Perhaps merely young..."  His drink arrived, something I didn't recognize, but it was probably ancient and expensive.  He tasted it, and of course it met his approval.  This is the Crystal Palace.  

"Tell me... If these vampires, which you have now so handily destroyed, were the extent of the leadership within the Masques, do you think they would have posed a deterrent to my... involving myself?"

Again, no expression, and no inflection, gave away any intent behind his words, but the phrases he chose gave me the distinct impression that A) he was not aware of vampires among the Masques, and B) he wasn't quite sure that he believed my claims.  The question itself was an obvious challenge, and there was no way in or out of the Wall that I was rising to that bait.  

"I don't presume to know your motives. You tell me: Do you think that I will stop there?"

He wasn't having any of it either.  "I do not presume to know where or when you will stop."  A fair enough answer for the game we're playing, but either a dishonest one, or indicative that he hasn't paid attention.  He smiled then, a toothy thing that belonged on some denizen of the Dark. "For my own benefit, I hope it does not occur before you reach the Gate. But there is not the power vacuum there that you seem to think. There is always another Masque.  Whether to your credit, or your detriment, you may have struck the nest hard enough to see a reaction now."

I found it difficult to maintain my own poker face.  He'd actually volunteered information.  Also, we hadn't seen reactions before?  I limited myself to a resigned sigh, and hoped that I pulled it off.

"Well...if we must take on another distraction, then I suppose we must. I do hope you enjoy your evening, sir."  

White emitted a sort of non-committal grunt, rather out-of-character for the image he seemed to be going for. "Let the little fox-woman know I will accept that drink."

I saluted him with my drink, and rejoined my table.  "Hear that, Katrya?"

She was glaring at him now, too.  Yes, she had heard him.

Conversation had resumed, but voices were hushed and the general tone was decidedly more strained.  Aru and E.R. were still glaring daggers toward the bar.  Katrya stood, grumbled a bit, picked up her glass of tea, and walked to the spot that I had vacated.  She left her comms open, as I had.

"Now this is who I expected to see. You have been staying low, but I was told you come here often enough."  I swear, I heard warm tones seep through in his greeting.  

Katrya...well, it sounded like a low growl.  "Hmph.  And who would have told you that then?"

He sounded amused, as if he were smiling.  Not that he actually smiled, but... "No one that you know, I think. My people are not generally as... blatant, in their membership, as your recent quarry."

"AH. Yes, they have... very bad taste. Very."

This time he did smile, that toothsome grin that would give nightmares to the faint of heart. "Indeed."

Still troubled over how easily she had been tracked to the Palace, Katrya "Hmphed" again.  "I will have to make adjustments then."

Then, the unthinkable occurred.  Ahlan White...made small talk.  "You indicated a better than usual selection of drink, last we spoke. If this is your favoured place to dine, that boast makes sense."

She grinned, showing a few teeth of her own, but somehow it didn't quite have the same effect.  "Oh yes. The food -and- drinks here tend to... hit a spot that nothing else does. And I do not make such offers lightly.  But, we all know you are not seeking me out for just a drink, hmm?"

I missed a bit of their conversation, because right then Gordianus asked Hilda for cilantro to put in her tea.  I know little of herbs used in food, but there are two that I specifically learned so that I could avoid them, and I winced.  I may have curled my lip slightly.  The halfling caught my expression before I could compose myself, and we had a...side discussion.  On the bright side, she learned that the Palace is in the market for fresh herbs, which she grows, and Hilda now knows of my personal aversion.  So, all ends well, I suppose.  

Except that, if there were any further intriguing facial expressions during Katrya's conversation with the Dragon, I missed them.  The rest of the conversation had to be reconstructed from the recording.  A pity; it was starting to resemble a mild flirtation.

Ahlan White:"No. I am tempted to offer a basis for comparison. But I thought there might come a time when a certain refusal would end in regret." (He offered a virtual card; I asked later.) "It is usable only once, despite that I am making the offer a second time."

Katrya:"Ha. I am certain things will be dire indeed if it is ever agreed upon to use this.... Thank you.
And although I do not mind seeing things from other perspectives, I would have some information before you go, should you choose not to share anything else."

Ahlan White:"What question do you pose this time, little one?"  (I regret not seeing her expression. It ranges from amusement, to annoyance, to -- I don't know...flustered embarrassment? -- every time he uses the phrase.  I suspect that's why he keeps saying it.)

Katrya:"You said you could not bear what you sought. How then, is this other able to bear it? And.. whatever they are doing aside, what would normally happen to someone who takes such a thing, not being a bearer?"

Ahlan White:"They are meant for those who possess... certain traits. Only those with those traits, to some nebulous degree which I have never had the proximity to study, are able to enter the portals to where they were kept. If they even knew about the portals, or how to open them... I was not present when the one was taken, I do not know why it was made to open without the others....

Katrya:"It was one of the sun-babies, but within a drone."

Ahlan White:"As to the second part of your query, again that is something I have not been given the opportunity to test. I have studied all I can of the Samaritans and those who wielded them in the past. I know they can be transferred without going through the process of returning them to their original resting place. Since there is no dire warning in the tiresome ramblings of Sumi's Tales, I expect nothing dire comes from holding one that does not belong to you."

Katrya:"..Ah. Then that may be enough to ease my focus onto other aspects of our next plans. It is good to know of the transferring... though I feel we should still test one thing. Thank you for the aid in ruling out the other variable-things."

Ahlan White: (another noncommittal grunt - I don't know what sort of beast would make a noise like this, but I'm sure it wouldn't look human.  It seems to come from depths that his body could not contain.) "The Gate must be opened."

Katrya:"Yes, for the sake of -all-. We are going to do so with as little loss as can be managed, and that takes a planning."

Ahlan White:"I have not been so openly glared at in... many years. I will leave you to finish your business here. I do not think the child has eaten a bite since I arrived."

I looked up at this point.  He was referring to EllieRocks.  I have to admit, she was about a millimetre away from casting a damage spell from her glare alone.  He nodded politely in ER's direction, momentarily locking eyes with her.  Neither of them blinked.  

Katrya chuckled heartily and called for Hilda.  "I think we may need more ice cream back at the table." 

Upon delivery of frozen dessert, the diminutive pop star metamorphed from a basilisk back into a child.  The Dragon leader took his leave (with a stiff nod to Katrya, no half-bow, and no hand-kissing), and we all finished our meals, with much more to think about than when we arrived.


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