Thursday, September 30, 2010

Suspicion (UPDATED)

(originally published September 30, 2010)

A friend has been accused of a crime. What do you do?

Someone I know has been charged with suspicion of a pretty bad offense. Not the crime itself - he was charged with suspicion so that police could search his home to look for evidence. His name and face have been publicly displayed and to judge from comments from the public, he has already been found guilty in people's hearts.

Even if cleared of all charges, his name is smeared. He will probably have to leave his home - move to another city. Maybe another state.

Saying anything in his favor most likely besmirches me in the minds of some, but I honestly don't think that he'd harm anyone. Can't say I care for his politics, but being a conservative doesn't automatically make everyone a demon. Nevertheless, I'm not mentioning specifics. I don't want to help spread stories before I know the truth. In the unlikely event that anyone comments here, I ask the same of you.

And I do want to know the truth. If I've been wrong about this man, if he's actually guilty, then I will no longer consider him a friend. Go ahead and vilify him then. I'll even bring the tar and feathers.

I'd just like to know: what happened to "innocent until proven guilty?" Why must the evening news turn police suspicion into national suspicion? Why prematurely destroy someone's life? Why turn public opinion so roundly against him that only cave-dwellers could possibly give him a fair trial?

A trial that can never truly exonerate him anyway.

No matter how this turns out, it's disturbing.

(Updated 11/20/2010)

Yesterday I caught up on some gossip. A mutual friend tells me that nearly all charges have been dropped.

Fifteen independent interviews have all verified that our friend has done nothing of the sort that he was accused of.

I'm also told that the entire community has been supportive of my friend and his family.

But do you think any of THIS made the news? I've been scouring the internet, folks, and I can say that there has been absolutely no mention of it. After dragging his name (and picture) through the mud, nothing to indicate that it was undeserved.

Again, please don't comment with identifying details. I refuse to make things worse. But if you know of whom I speak, you might arrange time to visit him - he's still being held despite the fact that he's obviously not dangerous to anyone.


  1. Terry (from Our Town) sent me and a few others an email earlier today with three different links to this same story. It's really sad. Mike and I feel the same way you do about it. He is one of the most non-threatening people we have ever met. One of the articles ended by saying they suspect he's dangerous. This, I do not believe. Maybe he's not as harmless as he once appeared to us...but I sincerely doubt that he's dangerous. Of course, I don't know what to believe...but it's really sad to see his picture next to that story.

  2. You've won an award! Please follow this link to see it and continue the fun.
