Sunday, July 21, 2024

Review: Orconomics

Orconomics Orconomics by J. Zachary Pike
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

July 14, 2024 –
35.0% "If your science fiction novel features all the worst parts of modern capitalism, then you have a dark dystopia.
If your fantasy novel does it, then you have a parody.
I do find this entertaining. Very solid worldbuilding. The idea of healing potion addicts is at the same time amusing, and sobering."
July 15, 2024 –
45.0% "I have a strong desire to see the corporate heads of the Hero's Guild roll."
July 16, 2024 –
64.0% "From the very first, I kinda wanted to tell Lurana and Jen to just fuck and get on with it.

Troll smitten with an elf! Forbidden love! I think that the troll would have had less resistance if he'd negotiated with the bard.

Completely salty that I like this so much. If I were in this game, I'd be plotting to kill off some corporate execs."

July 20, 2024 –
100.0% "Finished this weekend. My main thoughts:

I'm reminded quite a bit of Drew Hayes' "NPCs" series. A little bit of Baldree's "Legends and Lattes." Being a gamer, I thoroughly enjoyed the story, despite predictable plot twists.  Will probably add it to Bedtime Reading.

View all my reviews

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