Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Bringing Back Some Light

 Tuesday night was a rough one for me.  I put some ribs in the crockpot, went searching for our Peking ribs recipe.  Never found it, but uncovered a memory that had me on the rocks for a while.  It was a letter that Robin wrote to a Teen Moms conference, telling them about all the bookcrossers that helped her gather 600 books for the teen mothers and their kids.  I don't remember the year, and the letter wasn't dated, but I can probably find it on the BookCrossing forums.  

She was always doing stuff like that.  The world is a dimmer place without her light.

After I had hold of myself again, I did the only thing I could do to bring back some of that light:  I picked someone that I barely know -- I only knew that they needed a little help, I knew that I could afford it, and I gave it.  

That's what she would have done.

1 comment:

  1. That's the way to do it, I think, to handle grief and the remembrance of light lost. Giving someone else some light is a beautiful thing to do.
