So, Santorum espouses an anti-environmentalist view because he thinks that mankind is supposed to be the steward of the Earth?
I call bullshit.
Stewardship: the responsible overseeing and protection of something considered worth caring for and preserving.
Anyone who truly believed that Man is the appointed steward of the Earth should be the most vigilant environmentalist in existence. If nothing else, they'd be concerned about their God's reaction to any other behavior, because if you believe that you are a steward of the Earth, that means that you believe that you will have to account for your stewardship.
But the anti-environmental attitude displayed by Romney clearly shows that he truly believes he is accountable to nobody and nothing.
If you were to loan someone your car for a year, and they didn't even change the oil that whole time, wouldn't you be a little bit peeved? Now imagine if you loaned them a whole planet!